Piasa Chautauqua Endowment Fund
The Piasa Chautauqua Endowment Fund (PCEF) was created by the Chautauqua Historical Society to allow charitable contributions to raise money for the general endowment, special focus endowments, and capital projects consistent with the mission of CHS and approved by the NPC-CICA board. Contributions to the PCEF are tax deductible, as established by law.
The endowment benefits our entire community, and is managed and administered by a Board of five Trustees representing key constituencies from across the community (“The Big Tent”). In addition to the Historical Society (whose representative is Chair of the Board), the NPC-CICA Board of Directors, Ladies Civic Improvement Association (LCIA), and New Piasa Chautauqua Church Assembly (NPCCA) each have one representative on the PCEF board. Additionally, a “Member At Large” is elected by the Membership.
Please contact Chuck Bryant if you have questions about or are interested in making a donation to the PCEF.

PCEF Board of Trustees
- Chuck Bryant – Chair (representing CHS)
- Julie Portman (representing LCIA)
- Jerry Young (representing NPC-CICA)
- Jim Roberts (representing NPCCA)
- Mark Hurd (Member At Large)
Three Ways to Make Donations to PCEF