Become a Member
All members and friends of New Piasa Chautauqua are encouraged to join Chautauqua Historical Society. Please support CHS activities and the preservation of our valley’s history by renewing your membership, or by joining if you have not been a member in the past.
Our Membership Levels and annual dues are:
Patron $25
Benefits include:
- Monitored Cottage Box at the Archival Research Center
- Printed and mailed copies of the CHS Newsletter
- Information about special events and tours sponsored by CHS and/or partner organizations
Piasa Bluffs Assembly (PBA) $75
Benefits include:
- Monitored Cottage Box at the Archival Research Center
- Printed and mailed copies of the CHS Newsletter
- Information about special events and tours sponsored by CHS and/or partner organizations
- Occasional bonus gifts (booklet, note cards)
- Credit for support of special printing issues and for color printing of the newsletter
To become a member, you may contribute your annual dues using any of the following methods:
- Pay in person at the Archival Research Center during open hours.
- Mail a check, made out to Chautauqua Historical Society, to Chautauqua Historical Society, P.O. Box 37, Elsah, Illinois 62028.
- Use the secure PayPal Donate button below.
Your contributions are tax deductible under applicable federal law and regulations.